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Uttara Ramayana?


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For reasons unknown, Rama’s banishment of a pregnant Sita has permeated Indian society. From scholarly articles to traditional discourses and day-to-day conversations to intellectual debates, Sita’s banishment has become a bone of contention. Rama’s murder of a Shudra helps pepper the arguments. No crueller slander can exist to malign Rama’s character than this. Despite mounting evidence to suggest Uttara Ramayana wa never written by Valmiki, such discussion, rage on.

What must have emerged as a sly attempt to build on Ramayanı under Valmiki’s authorship, Uttara Ramayana’s ill-conceivel ideas have somehow seeped out into Rama’s pristine character. Whether composed with benevolent intent or ill-intentioned, Uttara Ramayana has undoubtedly brought more disrepute to Rama than to make any value addition to Valmiki. Uttarı Ramayana is the embodiment of an imitation attempt gone miserably wrong. It reeks of structural flaws, shallow portrayal of characters, factual inaccuracies, imbalanced content-making, vacant storytelling and theological inconsistencies. These are unimaginable in Valmiki’s work.

Aim of this book is to dismantle every little fallacy attached to Uttara Ramayana through point-by-point rebuttals, well laid-ou counter-arguments, and exposition of misconceptions.

Linchpin of this analysis is not to disregard controversial events but to demonstrate Valmiki’s heart. No attempt is made to cast aside sensitive incidents like Vali’s execution, Rama’s doubt of Bharata, Sita’s suspicion of Lakshmana and fire-ordeal – some ruder than Sita’s banishment. Before those myopic critics jump the gun to claim this book is an attempt to defend the indefensible – Sita’s banishment and Shudra’s execution – they would do well to read the book deeper. The substantiation of this book goes beyond these two events.

